When I was 12, I got a paper round and did this for around 3-3 and a half years. I knew the importance of this role, as there were a lot of older people who struggled to get out. Getting their paper everyday and sometimes a chat at the door would make their day. It was £7 a week and a warm bread cake from the shop owner on a Saturday morning. Mmmm.
I saved my money for new clothes and to spend on what I wanted. The money wasn’t really the bonus of this job it was the fact that I was helping these people and felt I was achieving something. It’s a real shame that this service no longer seems to be a thing anymore.
In the mean time I did work experience through school. I was supposed to go to a clothing shop with my friend but it closed. I was desperate to find somewhere and tried everywhere. I then got offered 2 weeks at the factory shack. This sold electrical goods, washing machines, fridges etc.
I had to help customers find the right appliance, give recommendations and sell. This has helped my job roll now. Being able to recommend the best products for my clients. They even paid me at the end of the 2 weeks. (Bonus). I enjoyed this experience.